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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • هذا المؤلَّف لم يسبق له النشر، ولم يُعرض على مجلة علمية أخرى للنظر فيه (أو هناك توضيح بشأن هذا الأمر مقدم إلى هيئة التحرير في خانة التعليقات).
  • ملف التقديم هو بإحدى الصيغ الآتية: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect.
  • حيثما تطلب الأمر، أضيفت روابط للمراجع المستعملة في المؤلَّف (الروابط هي وصلات إلى العناوين على الشبكة العنكبوتية).
  • فقرات النص ذات تباعد مفرد للأسطر، بحجم خط (12) نقطة، تم فيه استعمال الخط المائل بدلاً عن الخط التحتاني (باستثناء عناوين الروابط)، وجميع الرسوم والأشكال والجداول متوضعة ضمن النص المتعلق بها عوضاً عن تجميعها في نهاية الملف.
  • إن نص المؤلَّف مقيد بالمتطلبات النمطية والأسلوبية الواردة في دليل المؤلِّف، الموجود في النص التعريفي بالمجلة ضمن هذا الموقع.

Author Guidelines

Rules and Procedures of Publication in the Journal

First: General Rules of Publication

It is required from authors to consider the following rules:

  1. The manuscript must be original and meet the conditions of scientific research based on the scientific and methodological principles recognized in writing academic research, in the fields of economics, administration, education, applied sciences, Islamic studies and other humanities.
  2. The manuscript should be characterized by originality and scientific and cognitive value, and should be also written in a correct language, taking into account the rules of accuracy concerning drawings and shapes.  
  3. The manuscript should not have been previously published or submitted for publication to another journal, and the author should sign on a written declaration, according to the relevant form.
  4. The first page of the manuscript should contain: manuscript title, the name of the author in Arabic and English, his/her academic title and job, field of the study, phone number, and e-mail.
  5. The second page should contain only the manuscript title in both Arabic and English.
  6. The name of the author or any reference to him/her should not be mentioned in the body of the manuscript in order to ensure the confidentiality of the reviewing process.
  7. The author should put keywords (3-5 words) with their translations, immediately following the manuscript abstract.



Second: Standards of Scientific Documentation

  1. Quotations

The following rules should be considered in quotations:





When the citation is general, the source of citation is indicated by placing the last name of the author and the year of publication in parentheses.

-        (Al-Hamid, 2017)

-        (Danchev, 2006)



When quoting or citing a number of sources, two or three references, the names of the authors and the years of publication are placed as in the example.

-        (Al-Qahtani, 2015; Al-Salem, 2016)

-        (Inkpen 2006; Tsung, 2005)


When quoting or citing a source with more than one author (three), the last names (surnames) are mentioned only the first time. In the second time, the title of first author is mentioned followed by the abbreviation et al. 

-        (Al-Qahtani, Al-Salem, Al-Barqani, 2011)

-        (Weber, Tsang & Aslam, 2007)

-        (Al-Qahtani, et al., 2011)

-        (Weber, et al., 2007)


When quoting a direct quotation, the text cannot be changed and should be put between quotation marks "…", and the page number shall be added.

-        (Al-Hamid, 2017: 220)

-        (Danchev, 2006: 125)



When quoting or citing an author in the same year, a distinction is made by alphabets so that they are placed immediately after the year of publication.

-        (Al-Hamid, 2017a) (Al-Hamid, 2017b)

-        (Danchev, 2006b) (Danchev, 2006a)


Note: This method of documentation excludes articles in the fields of Islamic studies and Arabic language. Therefore, the documentation, in these fields of study, comes in the footnotes according to what is agreed upon, by mentioning the source, the author's last name, and the page number, such as: (Fiqh Al-Zakat, by Al-Qaradawi, p. 44).

  1. Preparation of the List of References

In preparing the list of references, the following should be taken into account:

  1. Any reference referred to in the body of the manuscript shall be included in the list of references.
  2. Scientific references are classified in one list, whatever their sources: periodicals, books, and journals. Arabic references are placed on a separate page, followed by English references on another page and the references are arranged alphabetically according to the last name of the author, year of publication, title of the book or article, city of publication, and publisher as follows:


Type of Source or Reference



Journal Article  

Araujo. L. & Minette. R. (2011). Knowledge sharing and the dynamic of social capital. European Economic Review. 55 (8), 1109-1119.



George, J. M. & Jones, G. R. (2012). Understanding managing organizational behavior. 6th ed. London: Pearson Education.


Theses or Dissertations

Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.



Third: Technical Specifications

  1. Page size is (17 cm wide - 24 cm high).
  2. The font type of the text is (Traditional Arabic) size (14).
  3. Indent the beginning of each paragraph (0.5) cm.
  4. The vertical distance between the lines is (singular) and between paragraphs is equivalent to (1.15) of the distance between the lines.
  5. If the manuscript includes foreign words, they are written in the font (Traditional Arabic) size (12).
  6. If there is an Arabic comment at the bottom of the page, it should be written in a font (Traditional Arabic) Size (12).
  7. In numbered items, a dash (-) should be left between the number and the item (e.g. 1-, 2-).
  8. In numbered items that consist of more than one line, the second line must start from the beginning of the body and not with the number.
  9. Table borders are automatic within the window frame.
  10. The table title is placed above and the figure title is placed below it.



Fourth: Publication Procedures

  1. Manuscripts and all correspondence related to the journal should be sent to the scientific journal of the University of Saba Region at the following address: Republic of Yemen-Marib, University of Saba Region, Scientific Journal.

Tel: (0096706302683)

WhatsApp: (771471716)

Email: (

  1. A copy of the manuscript is sent printed on paper (A4), attached with an electronic file that includes the manuscript in the form of (Word + pdf), and if the author is from outside the governorate, the correspondence is done via e-mail or WhatsApp number.
  2. An abstract of the manuscript that has to be published shall be attached within (200 words) in both Arabic and English.
  3. The manuscript shall be accompanied by a summary of the author's CV, including the author's address in detail, and phone numbers in order to facilitate communication with him/her when necessary.
  4. The manuscript should not be more than (35) pages, including an introduction and a list of references and appendices.
  5. Authors of published articles are given two copies of the journal issue in which they are published, and they can download their articles from the website.
  6. The journal has the privilege to produce the manuscript and highlight its titles in a manner proportionate to its style of publication.
  7. In case of any error is discovered in a published manuscript, the author must follow the following procedures: submit a correction request to the editor-in-chief, determine the manuscript accurately, determine the location and type of error, and propose the appropriate correction. The correction request will be examined by the editorial board and the necessary action will be taken.




السياسة الافتراضية للقسم

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